
1st week of last semester! SUCK!

Hectic! It’s the only word that could describe the 1st week of last semester.


  1. Suck calculus lecturer. Need to ask permission to go to toilet – just like in high school. And be prepared to be chuck out if you text in class – emergency or not!
  2. So much to do in study skill and employability. Summore need to organize an event! Damn! Where got so much time?!
  3. Throughout the whole semester I’ll be all alone - My friends quit studying. Guess I’ll become all loony by then.
  4. Bloody FOM office’s under renovation. It’s so difficult to see lecturers or dean.
  5. Last semester’s results is not out yet! Imagine that the hanging in the air feeling. It’s worst than jumping off a building.

Sigh~ Signing off blogger for now… LIFE SUCK!