

"Life's a wrestling match, but who will win in the end?"
It's quite amazing when I get different kind of answers from different people.
Some said, they will win in the end.
Some said, nobody knows.
Some said, God wins.
But I said, it'll open at the close. That means the question will be answered when death approaches.
Which is the answer that will satisfy the every single soul on earth?

It's funny how I see things nowadays.
"Who the hell change my way of looking into life and death?" I've been figuring this question in me for so many months. And finally, I found the answer today while I stare blankly into no where. The key that open my door of query is surprising yet disappointing. By reading! I found a new way of looking into everything. Book by book I've read, no matter what language, which culture, or who's the author. I, finally found a way that I choose to believe. But, in any case, I see disappointment in myself. As a matter of fact, there's no one wise to guide me to the right path, because people all around me doesn't build an attitude that I could rely on. Not even my close ones.


blue_sky said...


deviliyin said...

哈...你的这番道理我也明白, 更是向往...不过呢, 你的人生你能决定, 反之我的人生早已被决定, 所以, 我还真的很渴望有个人可以拉着我帮着我,走这条难走的路...至少不孤单又有个伴嘛! 可是哦, 我觉得我的屈服能量快被磨光了...=P 或许, 反抗, 只是迟早的问题吧!呵...

blue_sky said...


Edwin Liew said...

haha ! blue_sky was mei yee is it? u really teaching her bad thing ar.. she's very guai de ar.. always listen to her mom one.. not like us de.. but wat u said was quite true also la.. parents always do wat the they think is good to us.. but dint know wat we actually wan also de la.. wat to do.. so now just do wat they said 1st la.. that's good also to us also de..

deviliyin said...

老实说, 我其实都有这样的打算了...或许做完了他们要我做的, 我就会离开吧! 可是, 那个"离开"好象离我很远很远...所以我要努力保持自己最初的信念!

coffee said...

aiya.. edwin ... urs US not consider me hor?
i super guai de leh..
hahahah it is fact

deviliyin said...

yer...tortoise...you still want face anot de owh??
thick skin...
blerk! =p
where gt ppl say ownself guai de owh??
aiyer...forget d ur not 'ppl'...ur tuider mah...
ngek ngek....